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InnoModels has domestic stability of the humanized mice immune system model (ihs) platform, and anthropogenic tumor allografts platform (symbol), focusing on tumor and tumor immune pharmacodynamics CRO services, translational medicine research service, individualized medicine, service transformation of new drug research and development enterprise, medical researchers, cancer patients, is dedicated to the research and development of tumor and tumor immunotherapy to provide close to the clinical trials of a new generation of animal models.

InnoModels Biotechnology (Beijing) Co., Ltd

Address: Building 14, Life Valley, Shuangying West Road, Changping

District, Beijing

        TEL:15010000264      010-8914 6685               

        Email:  kgki@imodels.tech

  Web:www.imodels.tech              Web:en.imodels.tech

InnoModels Biotechnology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

TEL:15010000264        13810723384

Address:Building 14, Life Valley, Shuangying West Road, Changping District, Beijing

Chuangmo Biotechnology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Beijing ICP 222*** 98-1 Website Construction: China Enterprise Power Beijing Second Branch Company

